21 July 2015

BMD’s Camden Valley Way project team achieves 250,000 hours LTI free

BMD Constructions has achieved 250,000 man hours Lost Time Injury (LTI) free, delivering the $65 million Camden Valley Way – Stage 3 on behalf of Roads and Maritime Services NSW. The project team has been praised for fostering and celebrating BMD’s commitment to Zero Harm, an initiative that has been in place since early 2012. During the 250,000 man hours that have contributed to the LTI free period, the project team has completed key activities including switching traffic onto more than 4km of new carriageway, completing three southbound bridge structures, commissioning a new signalised intersection and placing a third of the wearing course asphalt. BMD Constructions General Manager NSW and ACT, Craig Smith shared his acclaim for the project team’s efforts saying, ‘The BMD team has been working tirelessly to safely deliver the 3.2km upgrade of one of the South West Growth Centre’s key connectors, Camden Valley Way. Working adjacent to high volumes of traffic, the safety culture on site has been excellent.’ The key to reaching the 250,000 man hours LTI free has been establishing the strong site safety culture.  Safety has been a major focus across all levels of the project; empowering all onsite to stop a job if they feel it isn’t safe or that hazards they have identified aren’t sufficiently controlled. This key initiative to empower all onsite has been coupled with a relentless focus on basic safety measures; robust Safe Work Method Statements, completion of detailed Job Hazard Analyses, reporting all incidents including near miss and ensuring learnings from incidents are delivered back to the entire team to prevent repeat occurrences. It is this combination that has led to this outstanding achievement and the team looks forward to continuing their good work, through to their anticipated completion later this year.

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