Corporate sustainability

At BMD we integrate environmental and social considerations in the way we do business and deliver certainty for the communities in which we operate.

Stewardship of the environment and our communities has always been a priority. We are committed to working with local communities and leaving a lasting legacy through the infrastructure, employment and training we deliver.

Since establishment in 1979, BMD has employed a policy of engaging locally based suppliers and owner operators rather than maintaining our own fleet of equipment. This policy serves to maximise the opportunity for local input with flow on effects in the training and development of locally based staff engaged on our projects. We are proud of the long-term, key supplier relationships that have developed as a result of this philosophy.

BMD is committed to applying the principles of sustainability in the decision making and activities that BMD engages in across multiple jurisdictions.

To achieve this commitment, BMD promotes corporate sustainability in areas that include, but are not limited to:

Growth and economic benefit

  • Decisions balanced between short and long term will be based on economic, environmental and community needs and considerations.
  • Aiming to grow the business for increased economic benefit to the community via engineering solutions.

Environment and efficient resource use

  • Implementing best practice environmental management to minimise environmental harm.
  • Efficient use of resources (energy, materials, water) when conducting its operations.
  • Consider the life cycle of products and services.

Labour practices

  • Protection of human rights through ensuring equal opportunity employment for all and fair labour practices.

Community respect and protection

  • Increasing community respect and wellbeing by demonstrated best practices in environmental management.
  • Providing the opportunity for public involvement and consultation, as appropriate, in all communities in which we operate.

BMD also commits to encouraging other stakeholders, such as suppliers and subcontractors, to embrace sustainability as part of their business activities. BMD is a proud member of the Infrastructure Sustainability Council of Australia.

To view BMD’s sustainability policy, please click here.

Project sustainability

Several BMD projects are working to achieve an Infrastructure Sustainability (IS) rating in partnership with the Infrastructure Sustainability Council of Australia. Below are some examples of projects demonstrating this commitment to improve environmental, social and economic values.

Haughton River Floodplain Upgrade
Sustainability and Sustainable Sourcing Policy Sustainability and Sustainable Sourcing Policy

Construction Environmental Management Plans

In accordance with deliverables as stipulated in some of our projects’ Construction Environmental Management Plans (CEMP), contact details are available below.

Muirhead North Stage 1A
Brendan Lam

0457 566 635

Leroy Balnaves

0438 720 671

Construction Environmental Management Plan


Lee Point Stage 2
Brendan Lam

0457 566 635

Jamie Tuttiett

0438 152 151

Construction Environmental Management Plan
